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Individual and Organizational Change Management. Reveal the "How Will it Affect Me?" Principle.

Rethinking Change Management:

Organizations are constantly undergoing change. Everywhere, in every industry. In every stage of growth. Sometimes it is perceived as positive, oftentimes as negative by some people.


Whether the change is small and concerns re-working daily processes and procedures, or whether the change involves re-structuring different teams and departments, or even merging together entire companies. Change is a necessary and vital part of long-term organizational success.


Let's start with: Never package a negative change as a positive one. Set the expectation that change is inevitable and help each individual to understand the impact for all people.


Are you challenged by:



  • How can all people in our organization embrace the change Cycle?

  • What are ways to equip and support individuals to successfully adopt change?

  • Is there a way to watch out for the underminers?

Let Us Provide Clarity:

  • Creating an effective plan for implementing individual and organizational change

  • Identifying best ways to communicate with all people considering individual needs to receive commitment

Any form of change requires the support - commitment of many stakeholders, if not all people in order to succeed, but still today, most leaders fail to get a "buy-in". This is where assessments can help.



DISC In Change Management

This tool measures 4 core behavioral characteristics.


The Style Insights® DISC report uncovers individuals’ behavioral style, known as the “how,” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors


Each of the four DISC styles have basic differences when it comes to handling change and dealing with stress, commonly used to help leaders understand team members’ natural reactions when presented with change.


With results shown in a Style Insights DISC report and your advanced skills during a de-brief, leaders can learn what to do in order to gain commitment by understanding the different needs and wants of each peer, or staff member's behavioral style.



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